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How to "do" sales without losing your soul

Connecting with the wildly thoughtful, intelligent people in the impact space is a big reason why I'm here. Recently I had the pleasure of chatting with Charlotte, the founder of Creative Wilderness, a purpose-led branding agency.

Here's our conversation...

Charlotte's newsletter is awesome. I highly recommend singing up and getting a dose of fresh air in your inbox from her.

She also offers a super sweet, free, self-guided branding course. It's a great activity to do before investing in any kind of marketing overhaul or as a starting point to help you clarify your vision. Check out the Brand Builder Course and other free resources here.

While we are on the topic of marketing, I cannot recommend Kelcie Ottoes enough when it comes to content and copy. If it's design you're after, put yourself in the expert and inspired hands of Samira Sukhatme & Rohit Tandon of Future Herberia.

As always, I'm happy to walk you through how to get started with mindful, aligned marketing that supports your sales activity. I can help you find the right tools, at the right price and at the right time.

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